openjdk6 crashes
Achilleas Mantzios
achill at
Thu May 13 07:44:53 UTC 2010
Στις Wednesday 12 May 2010 19:16:08 ο/η Peter Palmreuther έγραψε:
> On 12.05.10 11:12, Achilleas Mantzios wrote:
> > Peter,
> > i think a have some spare time slots today. Can you point to me as to how i could
> > try to reproduce the problem in a fast way?
> thanks for your offer. I hope it's fast enough, for your spare time. I'll try
> to describe the shortest path I'm aware of.
> > I tried looking at sonatype nexus, but it looked a little bit chaotic at first glance. (commercial vs open source, etc..)
> ;-)
> > i have one recent FreeBSD box running 8.0-RELEASE-p2 on amd64.
> That should be perfect. My 'uname -a' gives:
> FreeBSD siliki.sunrise.local 8.0-RELEASE-p2 FreeBSD 8.0-RELEASE-p2 #0: Tue Jan
> 5 21:11:58 UTC 2010
> root at amd64
> What I've done:
> 1. Install openjdk6-b17_2
> 2. Install apache-tomcat-6.0.26
> 3. Download
> 4. mkdir /usr/local/apache-tomcat-6.0/webapps/nexus
> 5. chown www:www /usr/local/apache-tomcat-6.0/webapps/nexus
> 6. cd /usr/local/apache-tomcat-6.0/webapps/nexus
> 7. unzip -q /path/to/nexus-webapp-1.4.1.war
> 8. In /etc/rc.conf (or /etc/rc.conf.d/tomcat60 like I did) set (all on one line)
> tomcat60_java_opts=-Xms128m\ -Xmx512m\ -Xss4m\ -d64\ -server\
> 9. mkdir /path/to/sonatype-work/
> 10. chown www /path/to/sonatype-work/
> 11. Enable tomcat60 start (rc.conf, ...)
> 12. Start Tomcat using OpenJDK (i.e. by setting JAVA_HOME before calling start
> script)
> 13. Open Nexus web page (http://host:8080/nexus/, or whatever tomcat is set to)
> 14. Log in to Nexus (user: admin, pass: admin123)
> 15. Go to "Scheduled Tasks" in navigation on the left
> 16. Create task
> I named it "Refresh Indicies", it's of type "Download Indexes" for "All
> Repositories".
> Recurrence over here is "daily" at 1:15am. I'm not sure this matters, as
> I get the crash even when manually starting the task.
> 17. Right click task in task list, "Run"
I am to this task now, running it.
i have two issues:
a) I could not set type "Download Indexes" for "All Repositories".
Task Type is ok set to Download Indexes, but Repository/Group has only two options:
- Public Repositories (Group)
- Public Snapshot Repositories (Group)
i set it to the first choice (Public Repositories (Group))
b) in the log file i get
2010-05-13 10:32:09 INFO - o.s.n.f.FeedRecorder:default - Downloading indexes for repository group Public Repositories (group) : Process started on Thu May 13 10:32:09 EEST 2010, not yet finished.
2010-05-13 10:32:09 INFO - o.s.n.f.FeedRecorder:default - Downloading indexes for repository group Public Repositories (group) : Process started on Thu May 13 10:32:09 EEST 2010, finished successfully on Thu May 13 10:32:09 EEST 2010
so i presume its finished?
i run it again and it finished very fast....
did i miss smth?
> It'll now take some time, depending on repositories initially set up and
> download speed for index files. Over here it crashes in the middle of index
> refreshing, tomcat dies, core dumps and is gone.
> Last log output in /usr/local/apache-tomcat-60/logs/stdout.log is
> 2010-05-05 19:57:11 INFO - o.s.n.i.IndexerMana~ - Remote indexes
> updated successfully for repository sonatype-sourceforge-releases
> 2010-05-05 19:57:11 INFO - o.s.n.i.IndexerMana~ - Cascading merge of
> group indexes for group "public", where repository
> "sonatype-sourceforge-releases" is member.
> Hope it crashes at your side as well, for this would mean it's reproducible :-)
Achilleas Mantzios
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