openjdk6 crashes

Achilleas Mantzios achill at
Fri May 7 06:14:49 UTC 2010

Στις Friday 07 May 2010 09:02:22 ο/η Achilleas Mantzios έγραψε:
> Στις Friday 07 May 2010 08:20:49 ο/η Peter Palmreuther έγραψε:
> > Hello,
> > 
> > On 06.05.10 12:28, mailinglists at wrote:
> > > Here the JVM crashed because the user that tries to start it is
> > > defined within a ldap database using nsswitch.conf and pam_ldap
> > > to connect to. Everthing is fine using a local user. Maybe its
> > > the same problem on your side.
> > 
> > I don't think this is the same issue over here.
> > It's comepletely local users involed, no LDAP or any other external service
> > configured for user authentication and authorization.
> > 
> > It's just about starting a tomcat from root account, with startup 'su'-ing to
> > 'www', which is localally defined too.
> Hi, in your first message you said you got a "signal 6" SIGABRT, while with the fastdebug build
> you got a "signal 4" SIGILL, so you dont have consistent behaviour.
> Are you sure your hardware is sane?
> Is your memory ok? Did you run memtest86? Are your disks ok? Is your motherboard in a good condition? (no sounds, fans rotating fast, etc..)
> Is your CPU in a good condition? Do you experience any high temperatures on your CPU?
> Note, that it is *100%* normal to have a problematic hardware, and the only instance that the hardware problem is manifested 
> to happen when running a particular program or script (even consistently).

Also i'd like to add that i had read some years back that linux tries (and maybe does a good job, but even that is not necessarily enough)
to detect and mask out bad memory address.
FreeBSD on the other hand, takes for granted that your hardware is perfect. That's why maybe, running  FreeBSD or Linux on the same
hardware might yeild different behaviors regarding memory issues.

Achilleas Mantzios

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