Japanese font conf for JDK16 to use IPA font

Daichi GOTO daichi at ongs.co.jp
Tue Mar 3 21:11:18 PST 2009

I know all that all you know. It's correct.

But our talk has a difference in awareness, you know?
I am talking about *A fontconfig.properties patch file
in Ports Collection (java/jdk16, java/openjdk6)*, you
are talking about *Back porting to OpenJDK6 original
src tree*, right?

I believe that JDK16/OpenJDK6 default japanese font setting
of *PORTS COLLECTION* should be IPA font.  And setting
default japanese font to VLgothic of *OpenJDK6 original src*
is not best but validness.

(JIMO, there should be any kind of fontconfig.properties
of *OpenJDK6 original src*. ex, OS depends setting
(fontconfig.FreeBSD.properties, fontconfig.Ubuntu.properties,
fontconfig.OpenSolaris.properties, ...), font depend setting
(fontconfig.properties-bitstream, fontconfig.properties-vl, ...)
or something like that. Variation is important. Bacause
user can use valid font config for their platform just copying
a file if it has just suited).

At last, I say again. I am talking about Ports Collection
only. You are talking about back porting to OpenJDK6 original src,

Maho NAKATA wrote:
> Hi
> From: Daichi GOTO <daichi at ongs.co.jp>
> Subject: Re: Japanese font conf for JDK16 to use IPA font
> Date: Tue, 03 Mar 2009 19:17:36 +0900
>> Maho NAKATA wrote:
>>> Daichi san
>>> Sorry for changing my mind...this is just suggestion.
>>> IPA font is good but license is too restrictive.
>> NO. That is old information. Please check latest IPAfont license.
>> We can use it as default font right now I guess.
> Yes, I have checked the new one :)
> For me, "free" means we can also redistribute modified fonts;
> like IPA-mona-font http://www.geocities.jp/ipa_mona/ ,
> M+ IPA font http://mix-mplus-ipa.sourceforge.jp/download.html
> and IPA fonts from FreeBSD ports (actually this is M+IPA font).
> Note that they still employes older licence, because newer license has
> restrictive clauses (第3条1).
>>> VLGothic is free font and ubuntu uses as user interface font.
>>> Fallback to VLGothic may useful for some environment.
>> NO. I do not think so.
>> Ubuntu use VLGothic as default Japanese font since license issue,
>> yes I know that. (JFYI, PC-BSD use it as default Japanese/Chinese
>> font too, because of 1CD size limitation.)  But it is lead by
>> Ubuntu *BINARY PACKAGE SITUATION* and their license policy, that is
>> not affected to Ports Collection of FreeBSD.
> This part is correct. However, please aware that IPA font set is
> not a free one. Policies can be different between Linux distributions;
> Fedora won't be shipped with IPA fonts nor Ubuntu, etc. Situation is
> quite different from gcc; almost every distribution can include gcc,
> because it is a free software.
> it's okay but may result incompatibility issue.
>> So I believe that IPA font should be used as default Japanese
>> fonts on most situation, at least by Ports Collection.
>> How do you make of that?
> It depends. If you and colleagues want to use FreeBSD, that's okay.
> However if you work with other people who use Linux, it could result
> some conflict. In any case, if there is a Windows or MacOSX guy,
> we cannot avoid conflict :)
> At least VLgothic is a free one, and the worst case, it would be better
> to have a fallback to VLgothic if IPA font is not present.
> Best
> -- Nakata Maho http://accc.riken.jp/maho/ , http://ja.openoffice.org/
>    Nakata Maho's PGP public keys: http://accc.riken.jp/maho/maho.pgp.txt

  Daichi GOTO, http://people.freebsd.org/~daichi

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