OpenJDK7 and NetBeans: Who can use non-English fonts on NetBeans?

Brian Gardner brian at
Tue Mar 3 13:18:27 PST 2009

I've seen similar issues occasionally running java/jdk16. Is this error
reproducable? If I can reproduce it, I should be able to debug fix it.
Otherwise I'll need debugging information. Perhaps I should create and
publish a process for debugging core dumps, including building debugging
versions of binaries and extracting stack from core dumps.

Daichi GOTO wrote:
> And after changed netbeans.conf to use OpenJDK6,
> new show stopper come, printing included error log.
> Do you have any ideas?
> SAITOU Toshihide wrote:
>> In message: <49A4CD5A.9060600 at>
>>             Daichi GOTO <daichi at> writes:
>>> 葉佳威 Jiawei Ye wrote:
>>>> On Wed, Feb 25, 2009 at 10:43 AM, Daichi GOTO <daichi at <mailto:daichi at>> wrote:
>>>> Hi Java guys,
>>>> Who can use non-English fonts on NetBeans with OpenJDK6?
>>>>     I have tried some methods to use Japanese fonts with that,
>>>>     but I have all faild :-(
>>>> If you have any ideas, please teach me. Thanks
>>>> -- Daichi GOTO,
>>>>     <>
>>>> One evil trick is to go to your ${JAVA_HOME}/jre/lib/fonts and put a "fallback" directory link to your actual font dir.
>>>> ex. on my system
>>>> lrwxr-xr-x  1 root  wheel      34  8 29 11:56 fallback -> /usr/local/lib/X11/fonts/truetype/
>>>> This gives me much better Chinese fonts (I put my Mac fonts in there).
>>>> HTH,
>>>> Jiawei
>>> Yeah, above method is workable with JDK16 but not OpenJDK6 :-(
>>> Did you get Chinese fonts with OpenJDK6 and NetBeans? I can
>>> use Japanese fonts with some demo applicatins within OpenJDK6,
>>> but cannot get that with NetBeans65.
>> First I change the netbeans_jdkhome in the
>> /usr/local/netbeans65/etc/netbeans.conf as following:
>>    netbeans_jdkhome="/usr/local/openjdk6"
>> and also prepare a at this place:
>>    /usr/local/openjdk6/jre/lib/
>> then japanese font is fine same as before using the jdk16.
>> for example (it seems that the dialog.plain.japanese-x0208
>> was mainly used in my NB settings):
>> #dialog.plain.japanese-x0208=-kochi-gothic-medium-r-normal--*-%d-*-*-c-*-jisx0208.1983-0
>> dialog.plain.japanese-x0208=-ricoh-hgheiseikakugothictaiw3-medium-r-normal--*-%d-*-*-c-*-jisx0208.1983-0
>> ---

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