OpenJDK BSD Port project: why FreeBSD Java Fondation is not metioned?

Greg Lewis glewis at
Wed Sep 3 20:48:31 UTC 2008

On Wed, Sep 03, 2008 at 06:16:04PM +0300, Achilleas Mantzios wrote:
> ???????? Wednesday 03 September 2008 15:05:49 ??/?? Lev Serebryakov ????????????:
> > 
> >    BSD Port of OpenJDK is announced by Sun, by Sun empolyees:
> > 
> >
> >
> >
> > 
> >    But this announces doesn't mention FreeBSD Java port, FreeBSD Java 
> > Team and Foundation at all.
> > 
> >    Is this project coordinated with FreeBSD Java team? Is FreeBSD Java 
> > Team interested in it?
> > 
> Moreover it is still unclear which java people will mostly run in the future
> and who is going to be porting it.

Thats hard to say.  Prior to the release of Java 7 the plan is to have two
things done:

1. Have the BSD port integrated into the main OpenJDK trunk.
2. Have all of the "binary plug" issues resolved so they aren't needed.

If those two happen I would expect that FreeBSD users would generally run
OpenJDK 7.

> a matrix of some kind i think it would be a good idea,
> and some kind of cooperation between SUN and the FreeBSD foundation
> which was the main body (alongside with Greg) behind any BSD java effort todate,
> would be good as well.

The FreeBSD Foundation has signed the Sub Contributor Agreement and
graciously allowed any work done for them under contract to be merged
into OpenJDK.

> correct me if i am wrong pls.
> -- 
> Achilleas Mantzios
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Greg Lewis                          Email   : glewis at
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