Java and IPv6 on BSD - it does not work well

Frank Behrens frank at
Wed Oct 15 05:43:24 UTC 2008

Norberto Meijome <numardbsd at> wrote on 15 Oct 2008 13:54:
> "Frank Behrens" <frank at> wrote:
> > You can read the complete test description and my observations on
> >
> I cannot resolve the FQDN

Really? I had enough page requests to be sure it works.

> I have ipv6 enabled, but not configured. Any of my java programs that uses

May be that's also the reason for your problem with the above 
mentioned website. It will resolve to an IPv6 address, too. :-)

> network will fail unless i force it to use IPV4 with
> ( I actually have that in my default shell : 

Yes, this is an easy solvable problem, if you want to use IPv4 only. 
But if you want to use IPv4 and IPv6 in parallel you will get more 
problems. Try to read the complete report...


Frank Behrens, Osterwieck, Germany
PGP-key 0x5B7C47ED on public servers available.

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