diablo-jdk16 package broken

Tobias Roth freebsd.lists at fsck.ch
Tue Jul 22 18:58:59 UTC 2008


I tried pkg_adding diablo-caffe-freebsd7-i386-1.6.0_07-b02.tar.bz2 but
got the following error:

pkg_add: unable to open table of contents file '+CONTENTS' - not a package?

The checksum was OK, and I got the file from here (someone else was
asking on the list, but I wasn't subscribed at that point so I can't
answer directly to that mail):



Tobias Roth   ||   http://fsck.ch   ||   PGP: 0xCE599B4D
| Although the moon is smaller than the earth, it is farther away.

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