Why cannot I allocate more than -Xmx700M

Havard Eidnes he at uninett.no
Tue Aug 19 20:36:17 UTC 2008

> > I think I was 1 GIG of physical ram. I am getting service in for my  
> > machine now.
> Strange. I have a box with 768MB RAM and it will happily allocate 1GB  
> for a JVM. That is, I can run "Hello World" -Xmx1G and -Xmx1000M just  
> fine.

Surely, what matters is not the amount of physical ram in the box
(although "more is better" is a good rule of thumb :-), but the
total amount of virtual memory?  I.e. the amount of configured
swap space also enters into the equation.


- Håvard

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