so does anybody have a working jdk on RELENG_7?

Dennis Berger db at
Thu Oct 18 06:59:14 PDT 2007

so does anybody have a working jdk on RELENG_7?
I tried the following solutions.

1. use diablo-jdk15 with compat6x
    not working. Jedit stops working. Compiling stuff gets stuck, 
coredumps all over the place.
2. use linux-sun-jdk(15,16)
    same phenomenon
3. build jdk15 from one of the above.
    javac coredumps sometimes, or gets stuck with 0%cpu utilization. 
nothing happens.
4. tried different linuxulator 2.4.2 and 2.6.16 with linux_base-fc4 and fc6.

Recent releng_7 from yesterday. clean system. make.conf is nearly empty. 
nothing special.

any hints how to get jdk working?


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