trouble finding FireFox plugin in diablo latest

Free BSD freebsd at
Wed Jun 27 00:13:14 UTC 2007

Presumably there had not been any further discussion on this matter. 
Could anyone please update me/us on the present scenerio for the Java 
Plugin for FireFox on AMD64 platform for diablo-jre/jdk?

Thanks and regards

perlcat wrote:
> On Sunday 08 April 2007 09:56:51 Free BSD wrote:
>> Dear List
>> I tried to install diablo-jdk-15, and even after CVSup, I don't find any
>> libjava file in the jre section, neither are there any plugins folder.
> Same issue here. amd64 6.2-STABLE, ports tree synched as of 12 March. looking 
> to run FireFox in 64 bit native (not 32 bit linux emulation). Installed 
> diablo-jre-15 and diablo-jdk-15, the plugin is not in either of them. I 
> assume the plugin name is different for 64 bit, but I do not know how to make 
> it build. The jdk build instructions say how to build for 32bit platforms, 
> but are silent when it comes to 64bit. 
> Built  jdk15 (23 March -- no changes to ports in the interval), nothing there. 
> Same went for jre15 build.
> This plugin is present in linux-firefox/jdk/jre 1.4.2:
> lrwxr-xr-x  1 root  wheel     78 Mar 23 
> 14:46 /usr/local/lib/linux-firefox/plugins/ -> /usr/local/linux-sun-jdk1.4.2/jre/plugin/i386/ns610-gcc32/
> but that one seems to have issues with the application I am trying to run. 
> Given the nature of the app (SSL tunnel by dodgy hw vendor), I can't say I'm 
> all that surprised, which is why I'm trying to use a more recent jre on 
> native platform. I can live without flash, but I can't get by without 
> connectivity.
> Last cvsup (10 April) shows no changes to the appropriate ports directories...
> CC:ing both lists, as from everything I see, it pertains to both hardware 
> platform and java.
> Tyson
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