OOo 2.2 unable to talk to java

Peter Jeremy peterjeremy at
Sun Jun 3 00:13:53 UTC 2007

[-openoffice re-added since this is an OOo fix]

On 2007-May-29 08:43:52 -0400, Kurt Miller <lists at> wrote:
>On Monday 28 May 2007 3:23:13 pm Peter Jeremy wrote:
>> >After my upgrade, OOo is reporting that my java is defective.
>> >Unfortunately, I'm not sure if this worked before.
>I hit the same problem porting OOo to OpenBSD.
>OOo needs to be told to look for the server vm on
>amd64. Two patches are needed to do that:

The first patch appears to fix the problem.  The second patch is almost
entirely OpenBSD porting and does not appear to be relevant.  Specifically,
$JRETOOLKITDIR is already set correctly on FreeBSD.

Thank you for that.

Peter Jeremy
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