ports/java/jdk14 fails to build due to missing linux-sun-jdk-

Jim Guojun [VFFS] j_guojun at lbl.gov
Sun Jan 21 21:33:48 UTC 2007

===>    Verifying install for /usr/local/linux-sun-jdk1.4.2/bin/javac in 
===>  linux-sun-jdk- You must manually fetch the J2SE SDK 
self-extracting file for the Linux platform 
(j2sdk-1_4_2_12-linux-i586.bin) from 
place it in /usr/ports/distfiles and then run make again.


Does not have j2sdk-1_4_2_12-linux-i586.bin anymore. 
They have j2sdk-1_4_2_13-linux-i586.bin now.

How can I modify the ports to use the latest j2sdk-1_4_2_13-linux-i586.bin to build JDK14?


------------ Jin Guojun ----------- v --- jin at george.lbl.gov ---
Distributed Systems Department		http://www.dsd.lbl.gov/~jin
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory,	Berkeley, CA 94720

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