Printing with java under FreeBSD - CUPS symlinks

Virgil Champlin champlin at
Thu Sep 7 05:47:38 UTC 2006

This bit me on a couple of hosts with the 1.2.x upgrade which removes
print/cups-lpd.  So I took a look in
/usr/ports/print/cups-base/pkg-install.  The post install operation
"unshades" the /usr/local/bin versions of lp*  by clearing the mode bits
on the /usr/bin copies (chmod -h 0 ...).  It no longer moves them out of
the way and replaces them with symlinks.  It also does it only if you
have CUPS_OVERWRITE_BASE defined.  CUPS 1.2.x has been a real pain but
for other reasons.  -virgil

Nicolas Blais wrote:
>> Hi,
>> This works ok for me using cups 1.1.23 on 6.1-release. Printers
>> get listed and the circle and rectangle are printed without
>> exception.
>> Do you have cups-lpr installed? That's required for java
>> printing with cups. Also make sure the /usr/bin/lp* symlinks
>> to /usr/local/bin/lp* are still intact, if not reinstall cups-lpr.
>> -Kurt
> I have cups-1.2.2 which I believed made away with a seperate cups-lpr package. 
> Your solution was correct though, I made the symlinks to /usr/local/bin/lp* 
> and it printed 2 pages correctly without exception.
> Thanks!

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