whatsoever jdk for freebsd

Clarence Chu clcchu at hotmail.com
Fri Sep 1 17:27:06 UTC 2006

hi there,

May I state a point of using FreeBSD x86/x64 for to be used in java 

1) that Sun's JDK source be available for use in FreeBSD x86/x64,
     Many thanks to Greg Lewis and the team to make things work.

2) Diablo-j[??]15 is a [semi-]formal support of Sun's Jave support via 
FreeBSD foundation
     It parallels to the MS-win/Linux support on Sun Java stream.

In case you have any problems of using the ports/pkgs, please try the 
a) Get a stable system to have the system installed (at best, Single 
Processor one)
b) Install the required packages such as xorg-6.9.0, open-motif, etc, from 
     (and turn on the -g debugflag if your're good at gdb)
c) fetch the SCSL or any formal Licenced source code from Sun Micro, Inc and 
    the jdk by either using the Linux-jdk or your previously freebsd-based 
d) test your problematic 'jdk-specific' issues and see if problems occur 

Be frank, I hate to see noises from using only pkg_add way
of packages and claim an PR.  you, the administrator of your system,
is responsible to make it well-behave as it should.

Please leave the developers in more platform support, such as sparc64, ia64, 
etc. and better java-plugin, jws support and so on.

Best wishes,

Clarence CHU
clcchu at hotmail.com

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