Eclipse 3.2 port (java/eclipse32)

Massimo Lusetti mlusetti at
Wed Oct 4 00:24:52 PDT 2006

On 10/3/06, David Sledge <dsledge at> wrote:
> Working on the build for 3.2.1 now. Hoping to have it done by the end of
> the day. We talked about updating the the old port on this mailing list
> and more people seemed to want it to be a separate port so we did not
> break the dependencies. I am getting more and more emails now supporting
> to update the existing eclipse port. I have no problem with that. I will
> ask again how many people would prefer updating the original eclipse
> port versus creating a new port? Please comment on this ASAP as I am
> working on an update to eclipse 3.2.1.

FWIW I guess the right way wuold be to upgrade the original port as
anyway if you upgrade eclipse SDK you have to (in a way or the other)
upgrade all other plugins etc...
So a big warning or a broken flag on dependandt (broken) ports should
suffice, IMHO, you can read this as "should suffice to me" :)

Regards and thanks for the great work.

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