ports/85997: [patch] java/jdk15 1.5.0p1_3 causes keyboard problems with NumLock enabled

Thierry Thomas thierry at FreeBSD.org
Thu May 11 19:20:23 UTC 2006

The following reply was made to PR ports/85997; it has been noted by GNATS.

From: Thierry Thomas <thierry at FreeBSD.org>
To: freebsd-java at FreeBSD.org
Cc: Nick Fishman <kwlogical at bellsouth.net>,
	FreeBSD-gnats-submit at FreeBSD.org,
	Lapo Luchini <lapo.luchini at gmail.com>
Subject: Re: ports/85997: [patch] java/jdk15 1.5.0p1_3 causes keyboard problems with NumLock enabled
Date: Thu, 11 May 2006 21:18:47 +0200

 On Wed, 03 May 2006 11:54:02 +0200,  Lapo Luchini <lapo.luchini at gmail.com>
 >  Is this really "closed"?
 >  I hadn't time to recompile the JDK yet (sorry for the noise, if this
 >  patch does indeed fix it all) and moreover I'm using diablo right now
 >  (the bug is the very same...) but reading the patch it seems to change
 >  only numpad-arrows stuff..?
 >  As the original reporter said "I cannot press backspace, I cannot use
 >  the arrow keys" and no insert/home/delete/end/pageup/pagedown.
 The problem is still reported to me by Mercury's users (port
 net-im/mercury), and I can confirm it myself: the "enter" key does not
 work, and neither backspace (^H works).
 Could you please re-open this PR?
 Truly yours,
 Th. Thomas.

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