As seen on Oprah and 20/20 $15,000.00 before Xmas

David W. Wieburg beabundant at
Mon Dec 4 00:05:04 PST 2006

HELLO, THIS IS NOT SPAM. YOU ARE RECEIVING THIS MESSAGE BECAUSE YOU ARE A MEMBER OR SIGNUP OF MY FFA TRWV. ===========================================Make at least $15,000 before CHRISTMASAS SEEN ON OPRAH & 20/20 $40,000 IN YOUR PAYPAL ACCOUNT IN TWO WEEKS--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------AS SEEN ON OPRAH! $40K IN YOUR PAYPAL ACCOUNT! (this really does work)That's Right $40,000 dollars in your PayPal account and that's NO BULL! AND IT WAS PROVEN ON OPRAH, NATIONAL TV & IT'S COMPLETELY LEGAL! $10 Dollars!...That's all it cost!To get started copy this whole page and paste it in an e-mail to edit it. Simply follow the instructions below and in 2 to 3 weeks, you will have at least $40,000 dollars in your PayPal account. Most people respond to this program because of the low investment and high profit potential. There is no limit to the income you can generate from this becau!
 se you can do it over and over.If you follow the instructions, you will reach thousands of people!Honesty, Faith, and Integrity make this system work. I think everyone has heard of "PayPal". Anyone with an e-mail address can join for FREE! So if you're not already a PayPal user, the first thing you need to do is sign up. Click the paypal linkwww.Paypal.comTEAM WORK MAKES THIS DREAM WORK!Send a $5.00 dollar donation from your PayPal account to THE FIRST email address on the list along with a note saying "Please add me to your list". Now send the SECOND $5.00 donation and email to the 5th person on the list saying "Thanks I've joined. Please add me to your list". This rewards the person who notified you about this opportunity and keeps them up to date on the letters progress.Remove the 1st email address from the list and move each address up to the next position. Then, add your email address in the 5th position.Next, put the word out got it, you will be receivin!
 g lots of $5 payments for being in the 5th position.This is a key fact
or to the success of this program, IMMEDIATE RETURN ON YOUR INVESTMENT! When just two people join you get back your $10 investment! Everything after that is PURE PROFIT!This two payment method rewards the first person for putting their time into marketing this opportunity and it ensures that the newest addition to the list will work just as hard! Teamwork at its Finest!Here is the list:1. info at be-abundant.com2. ras_freedom at yahoo.com3. dr.ecks at hotmail.com4. gabbyads2 at yahoo.com5. tomtaylor at airswap.comNext send out this letter until you get at least 20 "Thanks I'vejoined" emails. The fifth person is the monitor of this list! When your name is in the 1st slot, 8,000 to 15,000 people will send you 5 dollars! You get out of life what you put into it...and what goes around comes around. That describes this opportunity in a nutshell!DO NOT TRY TO PUT YOURSELF IN FIFTH PLACE  WITHOUT PAYING, AS PAYPALWILL AUTOMATICALLY NOTICE THIS AND DELETE YOUR ACCOUNT AND POSSIBLYPURSUE LEGAL ACTI!
 ON , SINCE THIS IS A LEGITIMATE PROGRAM, AND THEY ARE PART OF IT!TESTIMONIALS:Mary Gatters, Columbus, SC:I only have one thing to say to you... OH MY GOD! I sent out 142 copies total before 20 replied, like theinstructions said. Then I went on a short vacation. When I got back my account had over $32,000 dollars in it already and the money was still coming!I'm still floating on air (especially with my new car). I thought the 'guardian' system sounded cheesy, but now I realize it is the formula that makes this letter really work! THANKS!I know that you have seen this on Oprah, 20/20 or read about it in the Wall Street Journal. You have probably received junk mail and currently receive emails about this simple program, but just delete them. I know I have! But this time I decided to give it a try. With the internet you can speed this message around the world and it's only a $10.00 investment!Please give it an honest effort, you will not be disappointed and will be very glad yo!
 u did when it starts to work. Remember, all you're going to be out of 
pocket is about the cost of a couple of coffees with the opportunity of banking thousands of dollars into your PayPal account!Wishing you Success & Prosperity!Regina WallaceQuick Overview:STEP 1. Set up your PayPal account, if you don't already have one, and send the top name (1st person) $5.00dollars.DON'T FORGET to include "Please add me to your list".STEP 2. Send the other $5.00 dollars and an e-mail stating "Thank you I've Joined" to the 5th name on the list.STEP 3. Remove the top name, bump the other 4 names up 1 placeand place your name in the bottom slot - you will receive a minimum of $100.00 or more from your efforts.STEP 4. Keep sending the letter until you get 20, "Thank you I've joined" replies in your inbox. In addition, take advantage of the internet by posting your message on message boards found by searching via your favorite search engine. Post this to 200 (yes, 200) or more, and watch your account dollars soar!Go to any search engine (Yahoo, !
 Google, etc.) and search phrases like "millionaire message board" or "money making message board" or "opportunity message board", etc. You will get thousands of sites to choose from. Another great site is You can list your info in lots of different areas of that site. Lots of great response from there!HEY! YOU COULD HAVE ALL THAT MONEY BEFORE CHRISTMAS.GOOD LUCK SINCERLYBuzzPS. From Dr. EcksIf you need to make some big money before Christmastake this and run with it. It really works!Set up your PayPal account

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