(amd64 7.0-CURRENT) jdk-1.5.0 java crashes when using libthr

Michael Vince mv at thebeastie.org
Thu Apr 27 10:44:42 UTC 2006

Conrad J. Sabatier wrote:

>Has anyone had any success getting the Sun JDK 1.5.0 to work with
>libthr (mapped via /etc/libmap.conf)?  I've been wanting to try a few of
>the more esoteric command line options (-XX:+UseBoundThreads and
>-XX:+UseThreadPriorities) in combination with libthr, to try to get a
>1:1 thread mapping, but the jvm invariably crashes soon after startup.
>I may be barking up the wrong tree altogether, as Sun's docs say these
>two options are for Solaris only, but anyway...
>Any feedback would be greatly appreciated.  Thanks.

On amd64 Java 1.5 dies quickly on libthr, it also dies quite quickly on 
i386 as well, but since the diablo Java which is 1.5 with the latest 
Java patches came out you can use the "-XX:+UseMembar" option which 
appears to (at least on multi CPU machines) make the Java almost 
impossible to kill.

When I realized that AMD64 1.5 Java being stable will be a fair while 
away I decided to install a i386 FreeBSD with a PAE kernel to make use 
of the 6gigs of ram.
After bringing the server to a load close to 1,000 and the 1.5 Java with 
around 5,000 threads over a few day period I decided to believe that 
libthr isn't at fault and that it can just better reveal problems of 
programs over the other thread libraries.


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