jdk 1.5.0 compiles java plugin but ....

Carlos F. A. Paniago carlos.paniago at gmail.com
Sat Apr 8 19:42:17 UTC 2006

In a FreeBSD 6.1PRERELEASE, amd64, I compiled the jdk15 comenting the 
lines in Makefile

#.if ${MACHINE_ARCH} == "amd64"

but the execution of a banking java applet did this:

panix: {226} firefox
java_vm process: could not find Java VM symbols
INTERNAL ERROR on Browser End: Could not read ack from child process
System error?:: Resource temporarily unavailable
panix: {227}   

I need to use a java plugin to acces a bank account, but in my amd64 it 
is not possible... Could someone know how to solve this?

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