Ideal Diablo 1.5 binaries platform

Michael Vince mv at
Fri Apr 7 03:14:13 UTC 2006

I would like to say its great news to see Certified FreeBSD binaries for 
Java. Congratulations to all those at FreeBSD who made it happen.

On the down side I have also been testing out the new binary Java with 
Tomcat 5.5.12 and have been easily able to crash it.
Is there a recommend platform version of FreeBSD for using these new 
I tried on 6.0 release and it was worse then using 6-stable, I am still 
going to do more testing with my environment setups.

I still want to add I do aim to try and get the company I work at to 
donate to the FreeBSD foundation for Java development.

Also I noticed that  Colin Percival took up the kind of fund raise model 
that Andre Oppermann used (in my eyes created) to gain funds for the 
security side of FreeBSD development.
Interestingly its appears to have taken less then a week of the fund 
raise he achieved his goal of $15,000 which is pretty impressive.

I know I can't talk but if I wasn't so lazy I would try to do the same 
kind of thing for Java on FreeBSD :)


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