[ports-i386@pointyhat.freebsd.org: jdk-1.5.0p1_2 failed on i386 4]

Vizion vizion at vizion.occoxmail.com
Tue May 31 08:29:26 PDT 2005

On Tuesday 31 May 2005 08:19,  the author Greg Lewis contributed to the 
dialogue on-
 Re: [ports-i386 at pointyhat.freebsd.org: jdk-1.5.0p1_2 failed on i386 4]: 

>On Mon, May 30, 2005 at 09:12:28PM -0700, Kris Kennaway wrote:
>> FYI; can you please investigate and/or report to the developers?  If
>> you are already aware of this problem but do not yet have a fix,
>> please mark the port BROKEN in the appropriate case, so that users do
>> not unexpectedly encounter it.
>> See http://pointyhat.freebsd.org for the full log.
>> Thanks,
>> Kris
>> ----- Forwarded message from User Ports-i386
>> <ports-i386 at pointyhat.freebsd.org> -----
>> Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM warning: Can't detect initial thread stack
>> location
>> /work/a/ports/java/jdk15/work/control/build/bsd-i586/gensrc/sun/nio/cs/Sta
>>ndardCharsets.java:220: <identifier> expected Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM
>> warning: Can't detect initial thread stack location ^
>This indicates that linprocfs isn't mounted.  I still need to look into why
>the port isn't erroring out telling you this earlier though :(.
The port does tell you early -- but does not stop after the message to enable 
you to mount procfs..
Thinking about it -- when I did my clean I had rebooted -- and had enabled 
automatic mounting of profs -- so maybe that fixed it in my case..

40 yrs navigating and computing in blue waters.
English Owner & Captain of British Registered 60' bluewater Ketch S/V Taurus.
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