Alex Varju
alex at
Thu Mar 31 19:06:09 PST 2005
Bruno Van Den Bossche wrote:
> Some little remarks:
> In patch-build.xml you're using the linux-sun-jdk lib-dir. Is tehre a
> special reason for this? It seems to work just fine (well almost, see
> below) with the native jdk, so I see no real reason to do this.
> + <fileset dir="/usr/local/linux-sun-jdk1.4.2/jre/lib">
> I don't have a linux-jdk installed anymore, else I probably never would
> have noticed :)
The build failure you quote below is the reason that I'm using the 1.4.2
libraries here. Eclipse does part of the build using their
JDTCompilerAdapter, which only supports Java 1.4. Apparently Java 1.5
allows subclasses to refine a method's return type, and this feature is
used withing the core libraries. JDTCompilerAdapter fails to compile
FeatureWriter because of this.
Until Eclipse supports native 1.5 builds, I'm not sure that there's
anything we can do to improve things.
> 2) in patch-build with all the if's
> [ "$os-$ws-$arch" = "hpux-motif-ia64" ]
> You left the last "]" out of there. (doesn't prevent it from working
> though)
Whoops. I'll correct that as soon as I get a chance.
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