ports/81458: Update www/jakarta-tomcat5 to 5.5

Herve Quiroz herve.quiroz at esil.univ-mrs.fr
Mon Jun 6 16:30:10 GMT 2005

The following reply was made to PR ports/81458; it has been noted by GNATS.

From: Herve Quiroz <herve.quiroz at esil.univ-mrs.fr>
To: Kang Liu <liukang at bjut.edu.cn>
Cc: bug-followup at FreeBSD.org, scott.balmos at utoledo.edu
Subject: Re: ports/81458: Update www/jakarta-tomcat5 to 5.5
Date: Mon, 6 Jun 2005 18:26:51 +0200

 Hi Kang,
 On Sun, Jun 05, 2005 at 11:17:49PM +0800, Kang Liu wrote:
 > I think we'd better make tomcat55 as a new port, since it is not stable
 > enough for production server.
 I believe it would be better to repocopy tomcat5 -> tomcat55. Do you
 agree with that?
 BTW, I don't think DEPRECATED is the right keyword for a new, devel
 Speaking of devel ports, do you think "jakarta-tomcat5-devel" would
 fit better than 'jakarta-tomcat55"? The same goes for
 jakarta-tomcat4-devel. IMHO, looking at the descriptions of these
 ports, it seems to me like each branch has its own set of features that
 don't seem to be merged back. This would mean that they are not "-devel"
 branches. But I let the choice up to you, as I don't know very much
 about the distinction between versions.

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