ports/56928: jce-aba port should install to
Herve Quiroz
hq at FreeBSD.org
Fri Feb 18 15:32:57 PST 2005
Synopsis: jce-aba port should install to $JAVA_HOME/jre/lib/ext
State-Changed-From-To: suspended->feedback
State-Changed-By: hq
State-Changed-When: Fri Feb 18 23:21:26 GMT 2005
IMHO, we should decide whether we implement something here or just close the PR.
I would really like to hear opinions from the community.
And here is my own proposal: add a new macro to install jar files (probably
INSTALL_JAR) that would handle everything, from the installation of the JAR file
in ${JAVAJARDIR}, to the output of a message to explain where the JAR file is
and how to add it to the classpath -- using classpath(1) for example.
In the Makefile:
> do-install:
> @${INSTALL_JAR} ${WRKSRC}/myapp.jar
> @${INSTALL_JAR} ${WRKSRC}/myapp-core.jar
> @${INSTALL_JAR} ${WRKSRC}/myapp-ext.jar
Then, while installing the port:
$ make install
> [...]
> >> Installing JAR file as /usr/local/share/java/classes/myapp.jar... [ DONE ]
> >> Installing JAR file as /usr/local/share/java/classes/myapp-core.jar... [ DONE ]
> >> Installing JAR file as /usr/local/share/java/classes/myapp-ext.jar... [ DONE ]
> [...]
> The port has installed several JAR files in /usr/local/share/java/classes
> To add these JAR files to your classpath, install java/javavmwrapper and use
> classpath(1).
I don't know if this is really worth the trouble of implementing it,
documenting it, and upgrading Java ports, though...
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