FreeBSD Port: java/linux-sun-jdk15

Jonathan Chen jonc at
Sat Dec 24 14:44:07 PST 2005

On Sat, Dec 24, 2005 at 09:35:59AM -0800, Micah wrote:
> Hi,
> Just went to install java on my machine....  Is there somewhere I can 
> download jdk-1_5_0_05-linux-i586.bin until the linux-sun-jdk15 port gets 
> updated for jdk-1.5p6?  Or perhaps there's another way to bootstrap the 
> native JDK?

If you've got the native jdk-1.4.2, you can use it to bootstrap jdk-1.5.0

Jonathan Chen <jonc at>
          "You can get farther with a kind word and a gun
                      than you can with a kind word alone" - Al Capone

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