Starting with freebsd

Jonathan Chen jonc at
Mon Aug 22 05:41:12 GMT 2005

On Sun, Aug 21, 2005 at 09:23:49PM -0300, Pablo Ruggia wrote:
> Hi !!!
> I own a software company who works developing Java Web Applications. We 
> principally use jsdk1.4.2, eclipse and tomcat.
> I want to change my servers and workstations to freebsd 5.4, but from what 
> people says, freebsd java support is not very good.
> Are there some people working with this similar enviroment in freebsd ????

If you ask on a FreeBSD list, chances are there will be quite a few
people on the list using JDK1.4.2 on FreeBSD5 on production environments.
I've personally set up several servers for a number of clients for
JBoss4, and all the systems run quite well.

Jonathan Chen <jonc at>
"I love deadlines. I like the whooshing sound they make as they fly by"
                                                        - Douglas Adams

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