[PATCH] New rcNG Tomcat startup script

Herve Quiroz herve.quiroz at esil.univ-mrs.fr
Wed Aug 10 17:11:04 GMT 2005

Hi all,

I have been working on the Tomcat ports lately and I have come up with
the attached patch. It is based on a prior work from Ari Suutari [1] and
I think it implements all the requested features. Just install the port
and have a look at the header in ${PREFIX}/etc/rc.d/jakarta-tomcat55.sh.

This solution is quite flexible as it uses javavmwrapper and allows to
set various requirements on the JVM in rc.conf. It handles the same
settings that those that were used with the prior rc script and
tomcatctl program (e.g. STDOUT_LOG) as well as the ones in the original

It starts fine and shutdowns fine as well, with no latency, and will run
as the user of your choice (will use ${USER} from the port by default,
which means 'www').

Last but not least, it supports additional JVM settings (e.g. to
increase max heap as there seem to be quite a demand on this one).

I also fixed some permissions issue with STDOUT_LOG and STDERR_LOG (they
were both 755 when they should have been 664).

Now there are lots of permission issues to fix, mostly regarding to Jan
Grant's PR [2]. This will be taken care of in the next step. For now I
would like volunteers to test and review the patch. I would also be glad
if the submitters of the many Tomcat-related PRs and the maintainer
itself could give some comments as well.


[1] http://www.freebsd.org/cgi/query-pr.cgi?pr=ports/38018
[2] http://www.freebsd.org/cgi/query-pr.cgi?pr=ports/83434

Index: Makefile
RCS file: /home/ncvs/ports/www/jakarta-tomcat55/Makefile,v
retrieving revision 1.26
diff -u -r1.26 Makefile
--- Makefile	25 Jul 2005 16:10:34 -0000	1.26
+++ Makefile	10 Aug 2005 16:32:27 -0000
@@ -19,6 +19,8 @@
 .if !defined(NOPORTDOCS)
@@ -49,7 +51,6 @@
 PID_FILE=	/var/run/${APP_SHORTNAME}.pid
 REPLACE_FILES=	${PORTSDIR}/www/jakarta-tomcat4/files/daemonctl.c \
 		${PORTSDIR}/www/jakarta-tomcat4/files/daemonctl.1 \
-		${PORTSDIR}/www/jakarta-tomcat4/files/startup.sh \
 JAR_FILE=	bin/bootstrap.jar
@@ -58,6 +59,13 @@
 CONF_EXT=	sample
+SUB_FILES=	tomcat.sh
+		USER=${USER} \
 .include <bsd.port.pre.mk>
 .if ${JAVA_PORT_VERSION:C/^([0-9])\.([0-9])(.*)$/\1.\2/} == "1.4"
@@ -149,14 +157,10 @@
 	-e "/%%JAR_ARGS%%/s//\"start\",/g" \
 	${WRKDIR}/daemonctl.c > ${WRKDIR}/daemonctl_.c
 	@cd ${WRKDIR} && ${CC} -ansi -o ${CONTROL_SCRIPT_NAME} daemonctl_.c
 	@${ECHO_MSG} " [ DONE ]"
 	@${ECHO_MSG} -n ">> Installing startup script..."
-	@${CP} ${WRKDIR}/startup.sh ${STARTUP_SCRIPT}
+	@${INSTALL_SCRIPT} ${WRKDIR}/tomcat.sh ${PREFIX}/etc/rc.d/jakarta-tomcat${MAJOR_VER:S/.//}.sh
 	@${ECHO_MSG} " [ DONE ]"
 .if !defined(NOPORTDOCS)
@@ -166,8 +170,8 @@
 	@${ECHO_MSG} -n ">> Creating log files..."
-	@${INSTALL} /dev/null ${STDOUT_LOG}
-	@${INSTALL} /dev/null ${STDERR_LOG}
+	@${INSTALL} -m 664 -o ${USER} -g ${GROUP} /dev/null ${STDOUT_LOG}
+	@${INSTALL} -m 664 -o ${USER} -g ${GROUP} /dev/null ${STDERR_LOG}
 	@${ECHO_MSG} " [ DONE ]"
 	@${ECHO_MSG} -n ">> Creating symlink to tools.jar..."
Index: pkg-plist
RCS file: /home/ncvs/ports/www/jakarta-tomcat55/pkg-plist,v
retrieving revision 1.16
diff -u -r1.16 pkg-plist
--- pkg-plist	25 Jul 2005 16:10:34 -0000	1.16
+++ pkg-plist	10 Aug 2005 16:32:28 -0000
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@
 @unexec if cmp -s %D/%%T%%/conf/workers2.properties %D/%%T%%/conf/workers2.properties.%%CONF_EXT%%; then rm -f %D/%%T%%/conf/workers2.properties; else echo If permanently deleting this package, %D/%%T%%/conf/workers2.properties must be removed manually; fi
 @unexec if cmp -s %D/%%T%%/conf/workers2.properties.minimal %D/%%T%%/conf/workers2.properties.minimal.%%CONF_EXT%%; then rm -f %D/%%T%%/conf/workers2.properties.minimal; else echo If permanently deleting this package, %D/%%T%%/conf/workers2.properties.minimal must be removed manually; fi
Index: files/tomcat.sh.in
RCS file: files/tomcat.sh.in
diff -N files/tomcat.sh.in
--- /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
+++ files/tomcat.sh.in	10 Aug 2005 16:32:28 -0000
@@ -0,0 +1,114 @@
+# $FreeBSD$
+# PROVIDE: jakarta-tomcat%%TOMCAT_VERSION%%
+# KEYWORD: FreeBSD shutdown
+# Configuration settings for jakarta-tomcat%%TOMCAT_VERSION%% in /etc/rc.conf:
+# jakarta_tomcat%%TOMCAT_VERSION%%_enable (bool):
+#   Set to "NO" by default.
+#   Set it to "YES" to enable jakarta-tomcat%%TOMCAT_VERSION%%
+# jakarta_tomcat%%TOMCAT_VERSION%%_flags (str):
+#   Set to "" by default.
+#   Extra flags passed to start command
+# jakarta_tomcat%%TOMCAT_VERSION%%_catalina_home (str)
+#   Set to "%%TOMCAT_HOME%%" by default.
+#   Set the CATALINA_HOME variable for the Tomcat process
+# jakarta_tomcat%%TOMCAT_VERSION%%_catalina_base (str)
+#   Set to "%%TOMCAT_HOME%%" by default.
+#   Set the CATALINA_BASE variable for the Tomcat process
+# jakarta_tomcat%%TOMCAT_VERSION%%_catalina_tmpdir (str)
+#   Set to "%%TOMCAT_HOME%%/temp" by default.
+#   Set the CATALINA_TMPDIR variable for the Tomcat process
+# jakarta_tomcat%%TOMCAT_VERSION%%_stdout_log (str)
+#   Set to "%%STDOUT_LOG%%" by default.
+#   Set the location for the Tomcat process log (standard output)
+# jakarta_tomcat%%TOMCAT_VERSION%%_stderr_log (str)
+#   Set to "%%STDERR_LOG%%" by default.
+#   Set the location for the Tomcat process log (error output)
+# jakarta_tomcat%%TOMCAT_VERSION%%_java_home (str):
+# jakarta_tomcat%%TOMCAT_VERSION%%_java_vendor (str):
+# jakarta_tomcat%%TOMCAT_VERSION%%_java_version (str):
+# jakarta_tomcat%%TOMCAT_VERSION%%_java_os (str):
+#   Specify the requirements of the Java VM to use. See javavm(1).
+# jakarta_tomcat%%TOMCAT_VERSION%%_classpath (str):
+#   Set to "" by default.
+#   Addtional classes to add to the CLASSPATH
+# jakarta_tomcat%%TOMCAT_VERSION%%_java_opts (str):
+#   Set to "" by default.
+#   Java VM args to use.
+. %%RC_SUBR%%
+if [ -n "${jakarta_tomcat%%TOMCAT_VERSION%%_java_home}" ] ; then
+	export JAVA_HOME="${jakarta_tomcat%%TOMCAT_VERSION%%_java_home}"
+if [ -n "${jakarta_tomcat%%TOMCAT_VERSION%%_java_version}" ] ; then
+	export JAVA_VERSION="${jakarta_tomcat%%TOMCAT_VERSION%%_java_version}"
+if [ -n "${jakarta_tomcat%%TOMCAT_VERSION%%_java_vendor}" ] ; then
+	export JAVA_VENDOR="${jakarta_tomcat%%TOMCAT_VERSION%%_java_vendor}"
+if [ -n "${jakarta_tomcat%%TOMCAT_VERSION%%_java_os}" ] ; then
+	export JAVA_OS="${jakarta_tomcat%%TOMCAT_VERSION%%_java_os}"
+java_command="%%LOCALBASE%%/bin/java \
+	${jakarta_tomcat%%TOMCAT_VERSION%%_java_opts} \
+	-Djava.endorsed.dirs=$JAVA_ENDORSED_DIRS \
+	-classpath %%TOMCAT_HOME%%/bin/bootstrap.jar:%%TOMCAT_HOME%%/bin/commons-logging-api.jar:${jakarta_tomcat%%TOMCAT_VERSION%%_classpath} \
+	-Dcatalina.base=${jakarta_tomcat%%TOMCAT_VERSION%%_catalina_base} \
+	-Dcatalina.home=${jakarta_tomcat%%TOMCAT_VERSION%%_catalina_home} \
+	-Djava.io.tmpdir=${jakarta_tomcat%%TOMCAT_VERSION%%_catalina_tmpdir} \
+	org.apache.catalina.startup.Bootstrap"
+log_args=">> ${jakarta_tomcat%%TOMCAT_VERSION%%_stdout_log} \
+	2>> ${jakarta_tomcat%%TOMCAT_VERSION%%_stderr_log} "
+flags="${command} ${java_command} start ${jakarta_tomcat%%TOMCAT_VERSION%%_flags} ${log_args}"
+jakarta_tomcat%%TOMCAT_VERSION%%_stop() {
+	echo "Stopping ${name}."
+	${java_command} stop
+	wait_for_pids
+load_rc_config "${name}"
+run_rc_command "$1"

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