
Alex Varju alex at
Sun Apr 3 16:46:10 PDT 2005

Bruno Van Den Bossche wrote:
> I found the problem, at least I like to think so :)
> In the file 
> plugins/org.eclipse.ui.browser/src/org/eclipse/ui/internal/browser/ 
> they make the following call :
> DefaultBrowserSupport.getInstance().removeBrowser(getId());
> This method requires a String for argument, and getId() returns a long. 
>  Which is a conversion that doesn't automagically happens.  Changing 
> this to :
> DefaultBrowserSupport.getInstance().removeBrowser(""+getId());
> solves this problem and everything builds just fine on my machine 
> without the need of a linux-jvm.

This is perfect.  I think this was the last thing I needed to clean the 
port up for non-amd64 machines.  I'm just doing some build testing right 
now, and assuming all goes well I will be submitting the port within the 
next few days.

> This is an Eclipse-issue though.  You seem to be more familiar with the 
> Eclipse project, could you submit this to them?

I'm actually only barely familiar with the project. :)  You can probably 
just submit your patch for that file to their bugzilla database.


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