FreeBSD Java porting project questions
Alexey Zelkin
phantom at
Wed Jul 7 10:23:09 PDT 2004
On Wed, Jul 07, 2004 at 10:54:09PM +0700, Mikhail TSaplin wrote:
> I have some questions about this freebsd port.
> 1)Why we need linux jdk, when building a native distr?
> Is that necesarily to build compiler with classes semultaneusly?
It needs for bootstraping of new java compiler. Compiler being built using
bootraping stuff, then new compiler built using just built compiler, and
then all other stuff built with most recently built compiler. So, we
can be sure that j2se built with compiler based on itself.
> 2)What are you think about java (and of course jdk) future on freebsd.
> I saw freebsdfoundations last message dated last year, and nothing more.
> Doesnt project stop or going to?
It will happen pretty soon. Follow this mailing list or Foundation site.
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