FreeBSD Servlet Development Kit

Jean-Baptiste Quenot jb.quenot at
Mon Feb 9 05:15:11 PST 2004

* nil ban:

> I  am  learning java  and  for  that I  have  use  win.  I  use  Sun's
> java  development kin  1.2  java  bean development  kit  1.1 and  java
> servlet development kit  2.0. the java sdk2.0 has  one essential tool,
> servletrunner for testing simple servlet.  My question is is there any
> similar sun's java tools in freebsd5 so I can use it for my learning.

You  may  want   to  take  a  look  at  Resin   (www/resin3)  or  Tomcat
(www/jakarta-tomcat5), both will be able  to run your simple servlet.  I
haven't  checked the  Servlet  Development Kit's  simple servlet  runner
since years.   Please mention the FreeBSD  ports you are using  for Java

Jean-Baptiste Quenot
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