Java Processes

Antony T Curtis antony.t.curtis at
Sat Oct 25 08:04:34 PDT 2003

On Sat, 2003-10-25 at 15:21, Joe Warner wrote:
> Hi,
> Does anyone know how to control the number of Java processes that get spawned 
> when running one of the variants in /usr/ports/java..? I'm running 
> linux-ibm-jdk1.3.1 and when I launch /usr/local/linux-ibm-jdk1.3.1/bin/java 
> it spawns 5 processes of java and it's bringing my system to it's knees! 
> There was an older version that I used to run that only spawned 1 process and 
> my system could handle it fine.

Each thread in a Linux binary becomes 1 process under FreeBSD.

> I've looked through the supplied documentation, this list and even Google and
> can't find any instructions on how to limit these processes.

Try using -classic option.

Antony T Curtis BSc     Unix Analyst Programmer

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