Patchlevel 4 report.

Panagiotis Astithas past at
Fri Oct 24 00:05:19 PDT 2003

Roberto de Iriarte wrote:
> I could not help but notice the complaints about the difficulties to get 
> native Java
> running on FreeBSD.
> For a change, i wanted to say just thanks for the excellent work, i've 
> found the
> new patchlevel to be very stable (on libc_r and libkse) and excellent 
> performing
> (especially on libkse)
> For those who complain, in my experience, no J2SE implementation has 
> been perfect,
> ever, but FreeBSD's 1.4.1 patchlevel 4 seems among the better ones in 
> the limited
> testing that i've been able to perform so far, and i have seen really 
> bad ones, like
> CompaQ J2SE 1.3 for Alpha, that would not complete VolanoMark if the JIT
> was enabled, even after eating up 2GB of ram, not to speak of the 
> horrible performance
> of the Linux J2SE for Alpha, that was not even able to complete the 
> Java2D demo!
> Somebody mentioned Apple's J2SE, it has bugs too (i've found nowhere to 
> complain
> nor ways to debug it, the wonders of packaged software ....). Try to run 
> the Car Configurator applet at to experience one (It 
> runs perfectly on FreeBSD native 1.4.1p4 plugin)
> FYI, i'm running CURRENT as of yesterday
> % uname -a
> FreeBSD 5.1-CURRENT FreeBSD 5.1-CURRENT #0: Thu Oct 23 
> 01:45:10 CLST 2003     
> root at  i386
> Thanks again!
> Regards
> Roberto
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In my humble opinion the greatest achievement the BSD Java team has 
accomplished, is the release of a proprietary codebase with as much 
freedom as possible. Had they followed the example of groups such as 
Blackdown, we would have been unable to gain insight into the porting 
effort and the hurdles encountered, nor follow it suit, until the binary 
release was eventually made.

For that accomplishment alone, thank you all very much.

Panagiotis Astithas
Electrical & Computer Engineer, PhD
Network Management Center
National Technical University of Athens, Greece

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