freebsddom and java's flaming hoops

Chris Doherty chris-freebsd at
Wed Oct 22 10:46:00 PDT 2003

On Wed, Oct 22, 2003 at 10:36:26AM -0700, Kurt Werle said: 
> > [ Javascript doesn't work with your proxy ]
> >
> > Ok, what do you propose?  How do verify that the FreeBSD Foundation and
> > Java teams fulfill all the legal obligations to Sun?
> Ya know what I've found to be nice?
> Apple ships a JVM with their product.  No clicks needed.  That's really nice.
> I wonder how they do it.

with a lot of NDAs and possibly money changing hands? and not having the
JVM source available to users? all of which contradict the spirit,
purpose, and capabilities of FreeBSD?

if you want an OS producer that can and does act like a closed-source
for-profit corporation, there are at least two for you to choose
from. enjoy.

meanwhile, the FreeBSD guys have gone god-knows-how-many rounds with Sun
to make all this happen, outside of the coding effort itself. not only
that, but they've produced tangible, useful results. I don't think we're
in any position to provide unconstructive criticism regarding features of
the situation that no one can really control.


Chris Doherty
chris [at]

"I think," said Christopher Robin, "that we ought to eat
all our provisions now, so we won't have so much to carry."
               -- A. A. Milne

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