jdk14 port users warning...

Alexey Zelkin phantom at freebsd.org
Sun Oct 19 23:22:49 PDT 2003


Remembering that someone asked about potential problems with jdk14
I would like to warn everybody who use applications which utilize
java to call external applications.  Very rare (very very) jdk14
attempt to fork another copy fails.  Or correctly to say fails to
complete.  Reasons of this behaviour still unclear and non-reproducible.
Just be careful.

And another "huge" problem...  Drag'n'Drop does not work under FreeBSD
(using native 1.4.1).  If you need this "feature" please continue using

All other aspects of jdk14 port tested number of times perosnally by myself
and Sun's JCK over and over.  You should not expirience problems any
problems (in case of usage of traditional environments).  If your
configuration is differ from default and you found a problem -- as
usually report back to the mailing list.

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