
Ernst de Haan ernst.dehaan at
Mon Oct 6 08:09:45 PDT 2003


From my PoV the current 2.0 is as good as usable. If this 
assumption is correct (please confirm!), then I suggest we commit 2.0 this week.

Please test this as much as possible!


On maandag 6 oktober 2003 16:53, Herve Quiroz wrote:
> 2.0 has been updated!
> More details at:
> 2003-10-05:
>   - changed JAVA_VENDOR keywords: 'freebsd' -> 'bsdjava', 'freebsd
> foundation' -> 'freebsd' - JAVA_PORT_VENDOR is now set to the vendor
> keyword (use _JAVA_VENDOR_keyword for complete vendor name)
>  - Implement a sorting mechanism for JDK port selection
>  - Handle JDK/JRE
>  - Decide definitively the name/keyword for JDK vendors (and then rename
> JDK ports in - Handle installed JDK ports using
> metainformation available
>  - Decide if we get rid of the JAVA_HOME overide stuff (Herve: I'm for
> removing it as it's not safe IMHO)
> The 4th item (in the TODO list) is quite important to me right now
> (maintenance issues and flexibility) so I think I'll work on that during
> the next nights... so I can implement the JDK/JRE handling part.
> Can we decide something about the 5th item ? In the original proposal
> for 1.0, the user had the ability to enforce a given JDK
> port dependency. IMHO it's not so important now (and could possibly lead
> to some trouble). However I would like to hear from people that have
> actually used this feature... or anybody else BTW. Maybe I'm missing
> some point here so please tell me what you think of it (especially you
> Ernst).
> Herve
> On Thu, Sep 25, 2003 at 05:21:56PM +0200, Herve Quiroz wrote:
> > On Thu, Sep 25, 2003 at 09:01:19AM -0600, Greg Lewis wrote:
> > > Well, here is another suggestion.  The vendor of the native ports
> > > built from source isn't really FreeBSD, its the BSD Java porting
> > > team.  So a possibility is to use bsdjava as the vendor rather than
> > > freebsd.  That will remove the conflict in a simpler fashion.
> >
> > Okay. So we would have:
> >
> >   - "freebsd" means "FreeBSD Foundation"
> >   - "bsdjava" means "BSD Java porting team"
> >
> > I'll do that.
> >
> >
> > Herve
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