www/mod_jk2 fails to build (Maintainer fix enclosed!)

Larry Lansing lansil at fuzzynerd.com
Mon Jun 30 11:16:08 PDT 2003

>Submitter-Id:	current-users
>Originator:	Larry Lansing
>Organization:	AgileView Software Inc.
>Confidential:	no
>Synopsis:	www/mod_jk2 fails to build (Maintainer fix enclosed!)
>Severity:	non-critical
>Priority:	medium
>Category:	ports
>Class:		maintainer-update
>Release:	FreeBSD 5.0-CURRENT i386
System: FreeBSD fuzzilicious.fuzzynerd.com 5.0-CURRENT FreeBSD 5.0-CURRENT #0: Tue Apr 1 11:50:43 EST 2003 root at fuzzilicious.fuzzynerd.com:/usr/obj/usr/src/sys/FUZZILICIOUS i386

Attempting to build mod_jk2 yields the following:

libtool: link: `../common/jk_ajp12_worker.lo' is not a valid libtool object


I could not reproduce this bug on 5.x, I received one report from
someone who did.  I wasn't aware of the problem until I started
receiving bug reports from people running 4.7 and 4.8.  If you attempt
to build mod_jk2 on 4.x, you should be able to repeat this bug 100% of
the time.


I found a one-line fix that seems to eliminate this problem for me.
Thanks go to the apache folks, who rolled this into one of the later
mod_jk versions.  I'll update the port to the latest version in the
near future.  Until then, please commit this fix.

Fix: replace the contents of www/mod_jk2/files/patch-configure.in with
the following:

--- configure.in.orig   Tue Dec 17 05:20:55 2002
+++ configure.in        Mon Jun 30 13:03:18 2003
@@ -102,7 +102,8 @@
                APXSCFLAGS="`${APXS} -q CFLAGS` `${APXS} -q EXTRA_CFLAGS`"
                APXSCPPFLAGS="`${APXS} -q EXTRA_CPPFLAGS`"
-                APACHE_CONFIG_VARS=${apache_dir}/build/config_vars.mk
+                APACHE_CONFIG_VARS=${prefix}/share/apache2/build/config_vars.mk
+                LIBTOOL=`$APXS -q LIBTOOL`
             AC_MSG_RESULT([building connector for \"$WEBSERVER\"])

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