Problems with the netscape plugin

Jon Kuster kwsn at
Tue Jun 17 00:18:19 PDT 2003

Ugh.  I feel like an idiot.  I forgot to enable Java in my Mozilla
preferences.  The plug-in works fine.  It blows up and takes Mozilla
with it if I try to use libkse or libthr, but that's another matter.

On Sun, 2003-06-15 at 20:29, Jon Kuster wrote:
> Is anybody else having problems using the jdk1.3p8 plug-in with
> Mozilla?  Mozilla finds and seems to load the plug-in (it's listed in
> about:plugins), but when it comes time to actually run an applet, it
> doesn't do anything. No "loading applet" - it doesn't even seem to
> download the applet.  The demos that get installed with the port work if
> I manually run them from the command line, so I don't think it's a
> problem with the jvm itself.  I've currently got it build with Hotspot,
> but the plug-in wasn't working without Hotspot either.  Any ideas?
> FreeBSD jonnyv.kwsn.lan 5.1-CURRENT FreeBSD 5.1-CURRENT #0: Thu Jun 12
> 03:24:39 MST 2003     root at 
> i386

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