Fwd: Re: Native JDK with libthr/libkse

Tom Samplonius tom at sdf.com
Mon Jun 2 09:24:52 PDT 2003

> And I encourage the java developers to let us threads guys know
> what they're having problems with.  It has been stated that
> jdk is not guaranteed to work with anything but libc_r, so
> contact us over at threads at .  We want to see a fast and stable
> jdk as much as anyone else does.
> -- 
> Dan Eischen

  But the last that I've seen on the threads@ list is that libkse's signal
handling is not finished, and both libthr and libkse have incomplete SMP
support.  I've been waiting to hear whether one of these has reached a
"finished" state, in order that a test build of jdk on FreeBSD 5 is not a
total waste...


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