Cut'n'paste w/ Java graphical apps in XFree86

Sheldon Hearn sheldonh at
Sat Jul 26 02:29:35 PDT 2003

On (2003/07/26 04:57), parv wrote:

> (XFree86 mentioned)
> > At the moment, I use clumsy old xclipboard as a middle-man to
> > broker these cut'n'pastes.
> > 
> > Is there a better trick for merging these two cut'n'paste buffers?
> Did you try xclip & wmcliphist?

Well xclip seems to deal with only the XA_PRIMARY, XA_SECONDARY or
XA_CLIPBOARD selections, none of which can "see" the clipboard used by

And wmcliphist just looks like a GUI cliboard manager with access to the
same resources.  It's just a pretty xclipboard. :-)


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