jdk14+tomcat5 crashing box

Lucas Holt luke at foolishgames.com
Tue Dec 30 05:58:16 PST 2003

> system:
> FreeBSD 5.1-RELEASE-p11 FreeBSD 5.1-RELEASE-p11 #1: Fri Nov 28 0
> 5:09:25 EST 2003     /usr/obj/usr/src/sys/BSD1007  i386
> packages:
> apache-2.0.47
> mod_jk-apache2-1.2.2
> jakarta-tomcat-5.0.14
> jdk-1.4.2p5

What threading model did you use with the JDK?

Does the problem occur when starting other java software multiple times 
that uses threads?

I'd also try a newer version of tomcat as they fixed a lot of bugs.  I 
installed 5.0.16 the other day, and as I recall the change log wasn't 

My working setup:
apache 2.0.48
Tomcat 5.0.16
mod jk  (1) connector for 4.1.27 tomcat

FreeBSD 4.9 Stable cvsup'd about a week ago.

Note: I don't use ports for apache, tomcat, or mod jk

Lucas Holt
Luke at FoolishGames.com
FoolishGames.com  (Jewel Fan Site)
JustJournal.com (Free blogging)

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