Debugging options for tomcat41ctl

Ernst de Haan ernst.dehaan at
Mon Dec 15 04:16:08 PST 2003

In fact I would like to either improve daemonctl or replace it completely. 
That way we don't have to maintain 2 systems...


On maandag 15 december 2003 13:14, Sheldon Hearn wrote:
> On (2003/12/15 13:09), Ernst de Haan wrote:
> > > My question, then, is why are you imposing this feature requirement
> > > on these ports?  This feature isn't required by other ports that
> > > offer services.
> >
> > I don't remember the exact history of things. All I do know is that
> > people may rely on this now. And it's an improvement over su(do).
> Well it's certainly not an improvement over sudo; sudo has a rich ACL
> language for specifying who can and can't do what.
> Given that you have to start Tomcat _without_ daemonctl if you want
> debugging support, and given that the primary purpose of daemonctl is to
> make it easy for developers to stop and start the service without being
> root, I suggest that we reimplement the existing rc.d script without
> using daemonctl, and leave daemonctl installed for folks who want it.
> Ciao,
> Sheldon.
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