Removing JDK completely ?

Tim Middleton x at Vex.Net
Fri Dec 12 17:30:30 PST 2003

On December 12, 2003 07:54 pm, Richard Shea wrote:
> So my question is what's the best way to clean every trace of Java from
> the box so I can start again and (maybe) get further this time ?

Cleaning Java from your box is, in my experience, quite easy. As far as I 
noticed it installs the whole thing under /usr/local/jdk* ... if pkg_delete 
isn't clean enough for you, just delete the directory. Cleaning your system 
of all the linux compatibility stuff it installs in order to compile is the 
bigger pain. (-:

The slight silver lining to this cloud of awkwardness is that if you ever do 
get the JDK to compile and complete installing, you can then dump all hte 
linux stuff, and in the future use your native FreeBSD java you built to 
bootstrap new builds. 

My solution was to buy a new hard drive, build my O/S again from scratch, move 
my home directories onto the new clean drive... then copy over 
the /usr/local/jdk1.4.1 directory which i'd previously built on the old 
drive. This worked fine. Okay, okay, i didn't really go to all this trouble 
*just* to clean up my system after building the JDK... but it sure felt nice 
to get rid of all that extra stuff in the process. (-:

However on 4.8, I'd strongly recommend, to save yourself loads of aggravation,
if you can possibly live with Java 1.3, just installing the binary release of 
FreeBSD JDK/JRE 1.3. I've done this on 4.x boxes and its a vastly 
smoother/cleaner ride, and most stuff I use (like tn5250j) works with Java 
1.3. On 5.x I didn't have htis luxury (though i do have the luxury of a few 
more apps that don't work with 1.3 running). Your requirements may differ.  
Binaries for 5.x and JDK 1.4 will no doubt be coming along eventually...

Anyhow, none of the above specifically answers your question; but there's a 
few thoughts nevertheless.

Tim Middleton | Cain Gang Ltd | Christianity didn't [...] for 20 centuries
x at     | www.Vex.Net   | [...] shit Hallmark before a live studio...

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