FreeBSD vs Windows 2000 "Advanced" Server

Sheldon Hearn sheldonh at
Thu Aug 28 03:17:19 PDT 2003

On (2003/08/28 11:58), "Branko F. Grac(nar" wrote:

> $ time java TestThreads 50000 0
> TestThreads: successfully fired 50000 threads
> TestThreads: waited 0 milliseconds for all threads to complete
> real    0m20.173s
> user    0m16.739s
> sys     0m1.909s
> ... which 2478,56 threads/second.

These are not meaningful numbers.  The program wasn't designed to test
thread instantiation performance, and is pretty much guaranteed to do a
shit job of it. :-)

You need enough sleep time to ensure that all the threads are active at


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