Upgrading multiple Jails via freebsd-update

Lars Engels lars.engels at 0x20.net
Mon Dec 14 06:37:25 UTC 2020

Am 2020-12-13 13:04, schrieb antranigv:
> Greetings!
> freebsd-update is an amazing tool to upgrade the system without
> compiling from sources and upgrading jails can be as easy as freebsd-
> update -b /path/to/jail upgrade -r 12.2-RELEASE, however I have noticed
> that when using the utility multiple times, it still fetches the files
> multiple times.
> My question is: Is there a way to use FreeBSD-update in a way, that
> allows the user to download once and upgrade multiple Jails. I run
> dozens of jails on multiple hosts and it's very frustrating to download
> the same content.
> I think it's okay for the patch files to be downloaded every time
> (freebsd-update fetch install), since they are small and don't require
> a lot of time, but the upgrade process is somehow a pain.
> Some things I know I don't want: 1) Thin Jails (I like using zfs clone
> on ZFS systems and tar xf base.txz -C jail0/ on UFS) as a solution,
> since I change the base a lot. 2) Using network caching (say, via
> Varnish), it seems like more overhead, although any new suggestions
> would be nice 3) compiling the sources at all (but I'm rethinking this
> lately, however my CPU is not that fast).
> Any tips and suggestions would be nice!
> P.S. In an ideal solution, it would be nice to just download the ISO or
> tarballs from the mirrors and pass that to freebsd-update, but looks
> like that required a lot of work.

You can nullfs-mount /var/db/freebsd-update from the host into the jails 
you want to update.

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