
Dirk Engling erdgeist at erdgeist.org
Thu Apr 30 15:36:10 UTC 2020

On 30.04.20 17:30, Brandon helsley wrote:

> I installed and updated base jail with ezjail and then like the
> example in the handbook, created dnsjail with it's ip. I'm now needed
> to change the jail file in ezjail directory to a different ip
> address. What do I change it to and how do I do this? Can I get any
> help? Please?

Simplest is to (everything as root) just stop the jail via

ezjail-admin stop JAILNAME

then edit the file /usr/local/etc/ezjail/JAILNAME

and change the line with your original IP address:




and then run the jail again with

ezjail-admin start JAILNAME



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