two NIC's in a jail

Miroslav Lachman 000.fbsd at
Fri Mar 23 15:58:29 UTC 2018

Joerg Surmann wrote on 2018/03/23 16:45:
> Thanks for replay.
> netstat -an | egrep 'tcp4.*80 .*LISTEN'
> say:
> netstat: kvm not available: /dev/mem No such file or directory <- is
> inside a jail.
> tcp4    0        0 *.80        *.*        LISTEN
> grep -i Listen /usr/local/etc/apache24/httpd.conf
> Listen 80
> Listen 443
>  From the internal IP is no Problem.
> You are right. I'm not sure on wich IP's Apache is listening.
> I have change the Listen directive to the external IP in httpd.conf
> Listen
> netstat -an | egrep 'tcp4.*80 .*LISTEN'
> now say:
> tcp4    0        0        *.*        LISTEN
> But apache is not availble from Internet.
>  From Intranet... no Problem.
> When i use tcpdump on Host i can see Traffic.
> Whats wrong?

That's strange.

Listen 80 and Listen 443 is OK, it is the same as
   Listen *:80
   Listen *:443
and as you see with netstat, Apache was listening on both IPs:
  *.80        *.*        LISTEN

Do you have something listening on port 80 in the Host?

What netstat shows in the host?

Also check Apache log files. If you didn't configure virtual host, then 
you have just these two log files:

Use tail and then try to access your website from the internet

# tail -f /var/log/httpd-*.log

Please send what "jls -v" in the Host will show you. (there should be 2 
IPs for your jail) or "jls -s"  (replace any sensitive informations if 
you want)

And move this discussion to proper mailing list:
  freebsd-jail at

Miroslav Lachman

> Am 23.03.2018 um 16:07 schrieb Miroslav Lachman:
>> Joerg Surmann wrote on 2018/03/23 13:49:
>>> Hi all,
>>> I have a Problem to understund how to manage 2 Networks inside a Jail.
>>> i have create a jail (using ezjail) with a alias IP.
>>> in rc.conf (on Host):
>>> ifconfig_vmx0="inet netmask"
>>> ifconfig_vmx0_alias0="inet netmask"  <- this
>>> is the jail ip
>>> Inside the jail running apachhe24.
>>> Now i add a new NIC to the System.
>>> in rc.conf (on Host):
>>> ifconfig_em0="inet netmask"
>>> in /usr/local/etc/ezjail/myjail.conf:
>>> i add the new ip
>>> export jail_myjail_ip=","
>>> Restart the jail and ifconfig looks fine.
>>> vmx0 -> inet
>>> em0  -> inet
>>> Apache Listen on all NIC's (<VirtualHost *:80>)
>>> But i can see my Website only via from intern Network.
>>> The Host is behind a Firewall.
>>> The IP is enabled for incomming Traffic.
>>> When i give the Hostname in a Browser i become "connection Timeout".
>>> What is to do that the Host is accessable from Inet?
>> Are you sure Apache is listening on both IPs?
>> What netstat says?
>> # netstat -an | egrep 'tcp4.*80 .*LISTEN'
>> Also check what you have in httpd.conf for Listen directive
>> # grep -i Listen /usr/local/etc/apache24/httpd.conf
>> I am not using ezjail, I am using jail.conf
>> costa {
>>          host.hostname   = "";
>>          ip4.addr        = AA.BB.CCC.DDD;
>>          ip4.addr       +=;
>> }
>> Real IP was replaced with AA.BB.CCC.DDD
>> And it works. Services inside jail must be listening on both IPs or
>> wildcard * (
>> And be sure to disable hosts services to listen on IPs and ports you
>> want to be served from jail.

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