Jail stuck in dying
Kristof Provost
kp at FreeBSD.org
Thu Mar 9 02:02:00 UTC 2017
On a current box (r314933) I can’t seem to stop my jails.
It’s started like this:
jail -c name=test0 host.hostname=test vnet persist
vnet.interface=epair0b \
path=/usr/jails/jail1 exec.start="/bin/sh /etc/rc"
I terminate it with `jail -R test0`, yet the jail stays stuck in dying
$ jls -a
JID IP Address Hostname Path
1 test /usr/jails/jail1
$ jls -na
devfs_ruleset=0 dying enforce_statfs=2 host=new ip4=inherit ip6=inherit
jid=1 name=test0 osreldate=1200023 osrelease=12.0-CURRENT parent=0
path=/usr/jails/jail1 nopersist securelevel=-1 sysvmsg=disable
sysvsem=disable sysvshm=disable vnet=new allow.nochflags allow.nomount
allow.mount.nodevfs allow.mount.nofdescfs allow.mount.nolinprocfs
allow.mount.nolinsysfs allow.mount.nonullfs allow.mount.noprocfs
allow.mount.notmpfs allow.mount.nozfs allow.noquotas allow.noraw_sockets
allow.set_hostname allow.nosocket_af allow.nosysvipc children.cur=0
children.max=0 cpuset.id=2 host.domainname="" host.hostid=0
host.hostname=test host.hostuuid=00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000
ip4.addr= ip4.saddrsel ip6.addr= ip6.saddrsel
I’ve tried debugging this, but the most I can say is that there
appears to be something wrong with the reference counting.
prison_deref() returns because pr->pr_ref is 3. There are no more jailed
processes running, so I have no idea why this happens.
The problem doesn’t appear to be related to vnet. I can reproduce it
without setting the vnet flag when creating the jail as well.
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