[Bug 217545] jail: exec.poststop not executed, mount.fstab does not umount after removing jail

bugzilla-noreply at freebsd.org bugzilla-noreply at freebsd.org
Mon Mar 6 17:27:46 UTC 2017


Martin Birgmeier <la5lbtyi at aon.at> changed:

           What    |Removed                     |Added
             Status|Closed                      |Open
         Resolution|Works As Intended           |---

--- Comment #2 from Martin Birgmeier <la5lbtyi at aon.at> ---
I also tried this use case:

- Executed "jail -c -f <conffile>" in one terminal
- This gives me a shell prompt in the jail
- Executed "jail -r <jailname>" in another terminal
- This kills the shell in the jail, prints "<jailname>: removed", but does not
execute the poststop script (in neither of the two terminals)

Expected behavior: The poststop script should be executed.

-- Martin

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