zfs quota per user

Nicolas de Bari Embriz Garcia Rojas nbari at inbox.im
Sun Mar 24 14:28:59 UTC 2013

within a jail ?

let's say I have a jail and a dataset /home and what to give 1GB of space to users, something like:

/home/user1  (1GB quota)
/home/user2  (1GB quota)

I know that I can do per user something like :

zfs create zroot/jail/public/home/user1
zfs set quota=1G zroot/jail/public/home/user1

but that's exactly what I want to avoid.

I would like to at least only create zroot/jail/public/home with a quota of 1GB and that automatically all created users inherit that quota per home.
with out need to manually have to create the user home and set a quota.

this is because I have users stored on a  ldap db and I would like just to migrate does users to a jail in a new server so that new users when login to the new jail, home is created automatically and quotas applied with out need to create a dataset per each user.

I want to avoid modifying the "ldap_pam" scripts etc. 

Any ideas ?

On Mar 24, 2013, at 2:14 PM, Fabian Keil <freebsd-listen at fabiankeil.de> wrote:

> Nicolas de Bari Embriz Garcia Rojas <nbari at inbox.im> wrote:
>> Hi, it is possible to have quotas per user inside a jail using zfs?
>> I don't want to create a zfs file system for each user I just want to apply,
>> let's say a quota of 100M per account. (like UFS quotas) but within a jail
>> any ideas ?
> You can set multiple zfs userquota properties on a single dataset.
> Fabian

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