routing issue with Jail hosts :: suggestion requested

Free BSD freebsd at
Tue Jan 8 20:14:06 UTC 2013

Dear List Members

I have a scenario where I have an unusual routing need. This is one 
server with two (or more) interfaces. One of the interface is connected 
to a public IP network, the other one is connected to the LAN. This box 
is NOT a gateway machine, just a box serving on two sides of the 
network. Network diagram below:

Interface em1
Public IP Network
Connected to Gateway a.b.c.1 <---+
@                                |                                 @
@               +----------------+----------------+                @
@               |                                 |                @
@   +-----------+------------+        +-----------+------------+   @
@   |   Jail 01              |        |   Jail 02              |   @
@   |   Public IP a.b.c.4    |        |   Public IP a.b.c.5    |   @
@   |   Gateway   a.b.c.1    |        |   Gateway   a.b.c.1    |   @
@   +------------------------+        +------------------------+   @
@                                                                  @
@                                                                  @
@                                                                  @
@   +------------------------+        +------------------------+   @
@   |   Jail 03              |        |   Jail 04              |   @
@   |   Private IP x.y.z.101 |        |   Private IP x.y.z.102 |   @
@   |   Gateway    x.y.z.1   |        |   Gateway    x.y.z.1   |   @
@   +-----------+------------+        +-----------+------------+   @
@               |                                 |                @
@               +----------------+----------------+                @
@                                |                                 @
@  Main Host Server              |                                 @
@  Private IP x.y.z.100          |                                 @
@  GW x.y.z.1                    |                                 @
@                                |                                 @
  Interface em0                   |
  Local Area Network/Privae IP    |
  Connected to GW x.y.z.1 <-------+

Now, the problem is, the jails 03 and 04 needs to use the default route 
for the LAN, since the main firewall on the network does a NAT to these 
jails. At the same time, the jails 01 and 02 need to use the default 
route for the public Network, since there are port mappings on them. I 
will use pf for firewalling, so only certain traffic from certain 
direction is available. But some traffic are common and could be from 
any source (i.e., http/S, smtp/S). So, there is http running in jail 01 
and jail 03 (two different servers entirely, serving different sites), 
or smtp/S on jail 02, which too could be from anywhere.

Given that /by default/ all jails uses the defaultroute of the host 
system, I am looking into possible work-around/solution and would 
appreciate your feedback on this matter. If there were any discussion in 
the similar line, google failed to yield that to me (had been looking 
for them for the last two days, but most are dealing with using ipfw and 
NAT on the same interface -- I am connecting different interface to 
different network, and would prefer that isolation). If anyone is aware 
of any such discussion, would appreciate links/pointers to that too.

Thanks all.

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